Recent advances in the detection of respiratory virus infection in human beings. miniaturised nanobiosensors which have enhanced the diagnostic process and taken it to a new level. The portability, hardiness and affordability of nanobiosensor make them an apt diagnostic agent for different kinds of viruses including SARS\CoV\2. The part of such novel nanobiosensors in the analysis of SARS\CoV\2 has also been resolved comprehensively in the present review. Along with this, the difficulties and future position of developing such ultrasensitive nanobiosensors which should be taken into consideration before declaring these nano\weapons as the ideal futuristic gold standard of analysis has also been accounted for here. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: biosensors, Covid\19, nanobiosensors, nanotechnology, computer virus Abbreviations2Dtwo dimensional4,4\DAAB 4,4diaminoazobenzeneACE 2angiotensin\transforming enzyme 2AgNCssilver nanoclustersAgNPssilver nanoparticlesAIDSacquired immune deficiency syndromeAuNIsgold nanoislandsAuNPsgold nanoparticlesCDCCenters for Disease Control and PreventionCNTscarbon nanotubesCovid\19coronavirus disease of 2019CRISPRclustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeatsCTcomputed tomographyDETECTRDNA endonuclease\targeted CRISPR trans reporter (DETECTR) technologyDNAdeoxyribonucleic acidEenvelope proteinECelectrochemicalEISelectrochemical impedance spectroscopyELISAenzyme\linked immunosorbent assaysERendoplasmic reticulumEUEuropean UnionEUAemergency use authorisationF1abopening reading framework 1a/bFDAFood and Drug AdministrationFEBfield effect biosensingFETfield\effect LY2857785 transistorFRETfluorescence resonance energy transferFTOfluorine\doped tin oxide electrodeGCEglassy carbon electrodeGOgraphene oxideH1N1hemagglutinin type 1 and neuraminidase type 1 C Influenza A (H1N1) virusHBVhepatitis B LY2857785 virusHCVhepatitis C virusHIV DNAshuman immunodeficiency computer virus oligonucleotidesHIVhuman immunodeficiency virusHIV\1human immunodeficiency computer virus\1HPVhuman papilloma virusHSV\2herpes simplex computer virus type 2HTLV\1human T\cell lymphotropic computer virus\1IgAimmunoglobulin AIgGimmunoglobulin GIgMimmunoglobulin MKbkilobyteLFIAlateral\circulation immunochromatographic assayLFICSlateral circulation immunochromatographic stripsLSPRlocalised surface plasmon resonanceMmembrane glycoproteinMERS\CoVMiddle East respiratory syndrome coronavirusMWNTmultiwalled carbon nanotubeNnucleocapsid proteinNAATsnucleic acid amplification testsORFsopen reading framesPCRpolymerase chain reactionPEP\PDApeptide\functionalised polydiacetylenepfu/mLplague forming models/mLpHpotential of hydrogenpMpicomolarPOCpoint of carePPTplasmonic photothermalQDsquantum dotsQDs\DNAquantum dots\DNARNAribonucleic acidrRT\PCRreal\time reverse\transcription polymerase chain reactionRSVrespiratory syncytial virusRT\LAMPreverse transcription\loop\mediated isothermal amplificationRT\PCRreverse transcription polymerase chain reactionSspike glycoproteinSARS\CoVsevere acute respiratory syndrome\coronavirusSARS\CoV\2 VOC 202012/01variant of concern, the year 2020, month 12, variant 01SARS\CoV\2severe acute respiratory syndrome\coronavirus\2SEFsurface\enhanced fluorescenceSEIRAsurface\enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopySERSsurface\enhanced Raman spectroscopySPRsurface plasmon resonancessDNAsingle\stranded DNASWCNTssingle\walled carbon nanotubeTiO2 titanium dioxideUSUnited StatesWHOWorld Health OrganizationWNVWest Nile virusZKVZika virusZnOzinc oxide 1.?Intro It is becoming evident day by day that while some viruses like human being immunodeficiency computer virus (HIV) and hepatitis are killing millions of people some emergent viruses like severe acute respiratory syndrome\coronavirus (SARS\CoV) in 2002C2003, swine influenza A (H1N1) in 2009 2009, Ebola haemorrhagic fever eruption in 2014 and the PTPRC most recent SARS\CoV\2 (Covid\19) are becoming LY2857785 a global menace resulting in pandemics. 1 From your wide palate of viruses posing a threat to mankind, respiratory viruses are the deadliest influencing infants, children, elderly people, immunocompromised or individuals with co\morbidity. 2 Despite significant progress in the prevention, analysis and treatment over the past 100?years, the recovery rate for these viral diseases is far from satisfactory where over 95% of these deaths are due to the deficiency of correct diagnosis and treatment. Concerning treatment, major hindrances include imprudent use of antimicrobials, the emergence of multi\drug resistance in pathogens, the appearance of novel variants of pathogenic viruses and so forth. 3 Similarly, traditional diagnostic methods such as microscopy, immunology and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approaches although effective are plagued by issues like inaccuracy and ineptness. 2 Although both diagnosis and treatment go hand in hand, early prognosis gives the treatment of these infections an upper edge, so the development of rapid and sensitive identification methods is usually paramount for better dissemination of therapeutics in these challenging times. 4 , 5 In the current scenario, the main strategy to control the Covid\19 pandemic depends on testing and diagnosis of the disease at early stages. Reverse transcription PCR (RT\PCR) testing remains the primary method for diagnosing SARS\CoV\2 although some clinicians may utilise chest computed tomography (CT) scans as a more reliable way to assess the stage of the disease. 6 However, while the former is quite a time taking process the latter cannot detect the early onset of the disease. Besides, CT scans cannot distinguish between Covid\19 and viral pneumonia patients. It can be said that the present diagnostic modalities are the rate\limiting factors in terms of the number of persons that can be tested. Thus, for better management of Covid\19, more reliable, sensitive and quick diagnostic methods are paramount. Biosensors are deductive devices where biological identification.